Growing businesses become more efficient with ISO Masterclasses

If you’re a business owner and searching for a proven way to run your business more efficiently then you should make the effort to becoming ISO accredited, and thanks to the Growth Hub you can learn how with their free Masterclasses.

International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is an independent body that outlines specific requirements needed for businesses to implement quality management systems. These are a series of frameworks that help you run your businesses efficiently and effectively. ISO certification is proof that your business is compliant with ISO standards and gives your business credibility. Many businesses are turning to the Growth Hub for support to meet these standards and enhance their business. But how exactly is ISO supporting SME’s?

Karen Holbrook, technical and compliance manager of ACM Limited, states “International accreditations does not only apply to big organisations, SMEs can benefit a lot from becoming ISO certified. Having a reliable standard to bench mark their performance against increases their efficiencies and helps reduce their problems. This accordingly increases profitability and customer satisfaction, which leads to repeat business”.

For some, implementing a quality management system is about attracting new clients or opening doors to new markets, for others, it provides a blueprint for internal efficiency and effectiveness.

Whatever your initial motivation, certification of ISO has benefits to all areas of your business. Karen goes on to explain “Achieving ISO accreditation will enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase consistency in your business processes, identify and encourage efficiency, support better management by communicating a positive message to staff, and it reduces operational problems by highlighting deficiencies which reduces costs within the business.”

Thanks to a successful series of ISO Masterclasses in early 2018, Karen is returning to lead 3 more Masterclasses with the Enhancement Project supporting SME’s across the Sheffield City Region to becoming ISO accredited and grow their business further.
See a list of the Projects popular Masterclasses here:

The Sheffield City Region Growth Hub Enhancement Project is receiving up to £2.7m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government’ (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for the European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, business, create jobs and local community regeneration’s. For more information visit