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Tuesday 23rd January

Women in Business: Creating Networks

Event Venue and Description – Carlton Park Hotel, Rotherham

Each delegate will be able to address the room, followed by a presentation from guest speaker Karina Leacock, leading colour analysis and fashion stylist.

How to win business using your wardrobe

Why blend in, when you could stand out!

Whether we like it or not getting ahead in business is still about looking the part. But is your current professional look really… well, you? In a highly competitive world, how do you project authority and still express your individuality?

Do you shine as an individual in a creative or corporate neutral way? Is your look congruent with your message? Do you look authentic?

In this presentation, Karina explores how colour and style can impact or sabotage our image. Karina will introduce you to some colour and style rules, different dress codes and ultimately, the potential to have a fabulous wardrobe which flatters your shape, expresses your style and is filled with your wow colours.

For further information and details on how to register, please follow the link below.