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Monday 11th May

What’s new in Marketing: Learn the latest Techniques

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

**This webinar is hosted by the D2N2 Growth Hub, East Midlands Chamber and part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund**

In times of crisis, it’s hard for business leaders and marketers to know where to begin. In just a few short weeks, people have shifted into protection mode and your 2020 plans seem almost irrelevant.

With social distancing is keeping many of us at home, there has been a huge shift in behavioural trends, people are seeking out escapism from box sets, gaming and apps. People are spending even more time on social media and between remote working arrangements and live-streamed workout classes, college lectures, and social engagements, everyone is putting extra pressure on the bandwidth of our homes.

The need for physical goods is placing pressure on new channels, with demand for e-commerce rising to new levels. For those who do venture out, grocery and convenience stores are the source for essentials, but supply is inconsistent.

Some of these behaviour changes may be temporary, but many may be more permanent. As people move beyond the current mode of survival, people are forced by circumstances to try new things. With so much changing so fast during this difficult time, what marketing actions can you take to serve and grow your customer base?

In this 2 hour webinar Lindsey Newman-Wood will help you understand the current situation and adapt your marketing to the new ‘normal’ and utilise the latest marketing techniques, so you are in a better position to survive and thrive during COVID19