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Friday 14th October

What are the relative levels of financial fragility of households in South Yorkshire?

Household Financial Fragility – SY Office for Data Analytics Webinar

About this event

The South Yorkshire Office for Data Analytics (SYODA) is a collaborative pilot programme seeking to highlight the benefits of increased data sharing, and analytical capacity for evidence-based decision making by regional organisations and partners.

The SYODA pilot was established in response to a defined regional policy need and the belief that better data use leads to better evidence and results in better decisions. Directed and co-funded by the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA), the pilot uses University of Sheffield expertise and analytics and aims to build the case for a permanent SYODA service.

The pilot stage has now concluded and we are hosting webinars to demonstrate the findings of the pilot projects. The webinars are an opportunity to find out about the SYODA and its potential impact across the region and to hear from the academics behind the successful pilot projects.


Household Financial Fragility

What are the relative levels of financial fragility of households in South Yorkshire?

The financial shocks that household’s experience may appear in many different forms, for instance a sudden reduction in earnings through unemployment, but also a reduction in the real wage induced by higher costs of living.

Studies typically find that financial fragility is diverse among the population, with levels of financial fragility varying, for example, across age, education, health and employment status.

This project, led by Dr Daniel Gray and Professor Alberto Montagnoli (Department of Economics, Univeristy of Sheffield), aimed to develop an understanding of the relative levels of financial fragility of households in the South Yorkshire Region and to explore the determinants of financial fragility at the individual level, focussing on well known dimensions of inequality (income, ethnic background, health, education)



If you are unable to attend the webinars but would like to know more about the Office for Data Analytics please get in touch:

James Cokeham, Regional Economic Development Manager, University of Sheffield:


Jonathan Guest, Head of Policy, South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority:
