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Thursday 16th July

ScaleUp 360: Managing crisis and surviving as an independent hospitality business after pandemic 19

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

The COVID-19 outbreak forced many businesses (small and large) to close around the world and led people to an immediate turn to online shopping, in some cases to stockpiling the essentials. Many small and independent businesses have been affected by the crisis due to lack of readiness as well as limited e-commerce strategy.

The dearth of experience on crises management and limited capital showed that it is important to have a plan to deal with risk during disasters to mitigate unclear future and uncertainty in the market. This is especially important, as unlike large corporatized firms, small and independent businesses have a lower survival rate. Therefore, the steps they take during each phase need to be very clear and try to cover the basics to better address the needs of the customers and markets.

This webinar will highlight the importance of crisis and risk management for small businesses to deal with unexpected disasters. You will discuss the importance of e-commerce and flexibility on business strategies and supply chain during the lockdown and reopening.

The webinar will address the following three key questions:
– What needs to be adapted during crises?
– How to cope with immediate shifts in the nature of business within service sectors?
– What needs to be done to survive the pandemic?

The discussion will provide solutions to businesses to support their transition to the second phase of “reopening” and ensure their survival within the next few months after the pandemic. After that the webinar will continue by opening the panel to attendees and businesses for questions and answers.

During this webinar you will learn:
– The importance of crisis management for small businesses (SMEs)
– Shifting the company’s strategy to meet the challenges
– How to prepare for the new “normal”?
– Your crisis response plan: The effective elements of survival
– Finding new strategic opportunities for SMEs after the lockdown

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link provided.