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Thursday 27th October

Recruiting your Startup team

Recruiting your Startup team

As a founder, sooner or later you will need to recruit a team. Do you know what to do when that time comes so you get the best people for your business?

If you want to hear best practices and ensure you are doing the right things, then register for our free ‘Recruiting your Startup team’ event – coming on October 27th, Thursday, in the morning at Hallam iLab.

We will cover:

  1. Identifying what your business needs – what roles do you need to create in your organisation for it to thrive
  2. Creating a role profile
  3. The assessment process – how to understand if a person is or isn’t a good fit for your company
  4. Finding talent – where to look for future employees
  5. Onboarding – contracts, logistics, first steps

This event is the right one for you if:

  • You are a solopreneur – a founder of startup or small business with no employees yet
  • You are a founder of a business with 2-10 employees
  • You are the founder/director of a business with 10+ employees but not satisfied with your recruitment process currently
  • You work closely with startups/founders in your job and would benefit from learning more about the recruitment process
  • You are thinking of starting a business and want to learn more about the recruitment side of it