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Wednesday 10th March

Managing change – from restructuring, redundancy to home working

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

This webinar is aimed at large and small businesses.

The pandemic has changed the nature of work which has required considerable adaptation on the part of individuals and organisations. Labour market statistics show a sharp increase in unemployment and the level of redundancies are at their highest since records began in 1995. Major organisational restructures and redundancies are expected to continue. What needs to be put in place to manage uncertainty and support people through potentially traumatic processes such as restructure. What is best practice in terms of redundancy guidance and support? What should one do when this process is being planned to keep people supported throughout the process? There has been a rapid shift to home-working that is likely to continue for the foreseeable future, so the need for frameworks and tools that assess psychosocial risk factors as well as ergonomic concerns and the importance of training is highlighted. Evidence based interventions are needed to help organisations meet the challenges of future working conditions and support the wellbeing of staff.

This webinar identifies ‘what is likely to work’ in terms of interventions to support people through major upheavals such as restructures and redundancies. (working at home).

During this webinar you will hear from the following speakers:

  • Professor Karina Neilsen, Sheffield University specialist in organisation interventions that promote wellbeing
  • Professor Gail Kinman – Supporting home-based working for health and wellbeing
  • CIPD – Rachel Suff re redundancy
  • Francoise Woolley, Head of Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing, Acas
  • Executive chair – Emma Mamo, Mind

For details of how register, please follow the link provided.