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Monday 15th February

Identifying Business Barriers to Growth

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

What are your current business goals, and which barriers will you need to overcome in order to reach them?

This practical online workshop uses a mixture of case studies, Q&A and the latest advice to look at how companies can remove the barriers to growth that so many UK SMEs experience.

Delivered on behalf of Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP), this FREE workshop is aimed at helping companies across Yorkshire grow more effectively during and post COVID 19.

The workshop will help companies to:

  • Identify common barriers to business growth, using case study examples
  • Highlight the implications of these barriers on your business
  • Discuss options for tackling these barriers
  • Identify support options available
  • Signpost delegates towards planning tools that can help

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link provided.