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Thursday 11th March

How to unite purpose in your business through Human Social Value

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

Having a purpose driven business – Business leaders often work with the cliché phrase its ‘our people’ that make the difference, should it not be ‘our purpose’ that makes the difference. Or imagine what could be achieved if we brought both people and purpose together.

This online event will bring speakers together from current businesses and the next generation of inspiring leaders, experts on the economic value of social impact, employee engagement and good human social value (HSV) planning and delivery. Through workshops and real-life case studies from both businesses and the charity sector you will find the answers to these questions and more…

  1. How can my business measure its social impact?
  2. What process and tools do I have in place to measure our impact?
  3. What contribution does my business bring to our communities?
  4. Which communities should we really be helping?
  5. How do I unite purpose with my current employees?
  6. What is the next generation looking for in our business?

There is a new movement coming and hardly a business in the world, where the subject of purpose, impact and social value is not being actively discussed.

For details of how to register, please follow the link provided.