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Friday 26th February

Futureproofing your Workforce

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

The way we work is changing. For businesses, that brings both challenges and opportunities. This virtual event will focus on how businesses can harness workplace change whilst continuing to support development and growth.

The discussion will cover:

  • The tools and resources businesses need to support their employees through and post Covid-19 e.g. mental health and wellbeing, skills development, employability skills.
  • Helping employees take advantage of future local opportunities e.g. skills development and lifelong learning, preparation for a more digital future and preparing young people for work.
  • Building an understanding of and adapting to the future workplace, e.g. more flexible working, aging workforce.
  • Encouraging collaboration at a local level to tackle the skills gap and looking at the requirements and knowledge of the future workplace.

For details of how to register, please follow the link provided.