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Wednesday 14th June

Force Technology – Networking Visit

Event Venue and Description: Force Technology, Lightworks, Shorebury Point, Blackpool, FY4 2RL

Force Technology was established to pave the way for development and innovation in the high precision, high duty spring markets. This technology leading manufacturing company is focused on continuously improving its products and systems whilst developing its innovative approach to design and development of processes.

As well as advanced processing facilities, Force Technology also has a metallurgical laboratory and component testing facility, with engine dyno, to continue to build its industry-leading approach to innovation.  Major blue chip funding companies fund the innovative business to ensure it has the ability to develop and grow its capacity at the strong pace that suits the nature of this specialised business.

Hear about the success of Force Technology and enjoy a tour of their facilities in Lancashire.

For booking and further information, please visit the website link provided