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Tuesday 22nd March

Your People Nurture and Nourish Your Best Asset

You are invited to join a series of two workshops focusing on recruitment, retention, and the value of Non-Executive Directors (NED) and hear from David Smith, who transformed Asda from a bankrupt broken business to a high-performing retailer.

Peter Neal and Andrew Marsh of The Experience Bank

22nd March 09:30am – 11:00am

Your catalyst for growth- why building a board and recruiting NEDs can rapidly increase your success

Nicky Jolie of HR2Day and Sam Spoors of Talentheads

22nd March 1:00pm – 2:30pm

Be proactive, not reactive with your recruitment and succession planning

Hear from author and business speaker, David Smith, ex Asda Executive, as he talks about his best selling book: Bad Bosses – The Ten Leadership Pitfalls followers hate most.

23rd March 9:30am – 10:30am

His book was written following meticulous research with CEOs and other executives, David’s style is to engage with this audience and to tell stories to bring his points alive.

Book here