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Tuesday 23rd October

Creating Video Content for the Web

Event Venue and Description – Sheffield Chamber of Commerce, Albion House, Sheffield

People love video. That’s why YouTube is the number two search engine in the world. Many organisations and businesses recognise the need to be a part of this revolution, but don’t have the budget to pay for a professional crew every time they want to capture an event, testimonial or demonstration.

The answer is simple – learn how to do it yourself! It makes no difference if you work as a sole trader or as part of a large organisation, video can benefit your business regardless of whether you’re shooting on a smartphone or a video camera. The Digital Growth Programme video consultants will teach you the skills you need to make great looking video content that will help you boost your presence on social media or provide valuable content to your current and future customers.

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link below.