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Tuesday 23rd June

Covid-19: What Now? – Social Enterprise meet-up

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

This is a virtual space for Sheffield Region social entrepreneurs, those working for social enterprises and those supporting the sector, to network, connect and support one another during these unusual times.

This weeks meet-up will have a theme based around ‘Going back to work.’ If you are working out how that looks for you and your social enterprise, then this will be a great opportunity for you to explore this further with others in the Sheffield Social Enterprise Community. We will hold a space that enables you to ask questions, share with others your concerns or worries and listen to what others are doing in order to get their Social Enterprise ‘back to work’.

‘Covid-19: What Next?’ is the webinar series created in partnership with The Social Enterprise Exchange. Over the next few weeks there will be a series of webinars that will help you to navigate through these difficult times.

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link provided.