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Tuesday 12th May

COVID-19 – Pitching your Business

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

Now, more than ever, you need to know and be skilled at articulating WHY your business matters to your potential customers? WHY should they engage, and WHY they should care enough to continue engaging? These are tough times and those that can make an impact and impression will be ready to get through this and ready to take their business forward at pace once we get there. Learning how to pitch might just make the difference between success and struggle throughout the current challenges.

This short, interactive, yet thought-provoking webinar will genuinely blow your socks off and re-energise you and your business for the challenges ahead.

During this webinar, the following areas will be covered:

  • Identify Your Target Audience
  • Create a Clear & Targeted Sales Message – Advantages v Features
  • Building a Simple, Effective Pitch Structure
  • The What, How & Why Principle
  • Pitching to Buying Drivers
  • Delivering With Consistency & Passion

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link provided.