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Tuesday 13th October

Chamber Digital – Winning Tenders during COVID-19 – “To Bid or Not to Bid”

Event Venue and Description -Webinar

As the Coronavirus pandemic is an ever present issue in today’s world, the way that SMEs attempt to win business with the public sector is as important as it ever was. Winning these contracts can secure important funding that helps businesses continue to survive throughout this crisis.
Some of the reasons why these public sector contracts are important are:
  • They have to pay businesses in good time due to the commercial debts and interest act.
  • They make good reference points when you’re trying to secure more business, they’ll deal with references professionally.
  • Contracts with public sector can be quite long term, often 4 years or more

New legislation via a procurement policy note is introducing guidance to public sector organisations on providing relief for suppliers who they have contracts with – to enable them to continue to pay them even though they may not be able to deliver work at this present time.

However, bidding for tenders can be time consuming and resource hungry, which is not ideal when businesses may already be struggling with the impact that the COVID-19 outbreak has had on every day life.

This short session will help you decide which tenders to spend time on, looking at what is known as the ‘bid, no bid decision’ as it pertains to bidding for public or private sector tenders or contract opportunities.

This webinar looks at how businesses can objectively analyse opportunities and decide, using tried and tested methodology, if an opportunity is actually worth the considerable effort and time in completing it. This allows organisations to bid only for those contracts they are highly likely to be able to win.

For further information and details of how to register, please follow the link provided.