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Thursday 31st March

Chamber Digital: Virtual Roundtable


In partnership with Doncaster Council, Doncaster Chamber members are invited to share in the discussion about important issues that affect your business locally. This is an opportunity to voice your aspirations and concerns and shape business policy at a local, regional and national level.

Each roundtable will have a theme but the discussion will be free flowing and provide your business with a voice on the issues that matter to you alongside key stakeholders in the region.

Our hosts Andy Morley, Group Managing Director of ProAktive and Lee Tillman, Assistant Director of Strategy and Performance at Doncaster Council will guide the group through the discussion and outline ways ideas can be implemented and moved forwards.

Past roundtable discussions have included: Town Centre Planning, Brexit, Digital Connectivity, Wellbeing in the Workplace and Skills and Education Initiatives.

For all webinars you are required to make a ZOOM account so you can attend. Please follow the link below to create an account

Once you have booked on you will be sent instructions on how to join the session
