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Wednesday 16th October

Brexit Business Readiness Webinar

Event Venue and Description – Webinar

The UK will leave the EU of the 31st October 2019 and your business will need to take action to get ready.

This free online Brexit Business Readiness Webinar Event will feature presentations from government advisers and to find out what actions your business needs to take to prepare for Brexit.

Understand what Brexit means for business, find out why personal data matters, plan for imports, exports and international trade after Brexit, and learn more about how to prepare your services business, or what to do if you operate in food and drink, farming and fisheries, waste, or chemical sectors.

You can watch the whole event from start to finish, or choose the sessions most relevant to your business.  There will be the chance to submit questions to interact with presenters on the day of the event.

For further details of how to register, please follow the link provided.