Low Carbon

Low carbon is an emerging sector in the Sheffield City Region and is strongly linked to carbon emission reduction objectives.

The City Region is home to many innovative research groups and environmental energy companies. Research and development activities include Siemens UK Wind Power Research Centre at the University of Sheffield, and the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre facilities at the Advanced Manufacturing Park.

Across Sheffield City Region, the low carbon and renewable sector embraces over 300 companies, employing over 12,500 people and contributing £570 million to the economy. Potential in this area is enhanced by expertise in advanced manufacturing where there are specific opportunities to develop new products that form part of the supply chains for sub-sectors such as nuclear, wind, solar, geo-thermal and tidal power.

Key Partners

Sheffield City Region sustainability and low carbon sector group includes representatives of public and private organisations. They serve as critical friends to the Sheffield City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, providing a forum to support the development of this sector.

Carbon Trust
Energy Saving Trust
Fit For Nuclear
Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment
Renewable UK
The UK Energy Research Centre